About Align

Caroline Johnson

Licensed Massage Therapist, NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist and NASM Certified Personal Trainer

As a lifelong “mover”, I had often found myself held back by small injuries and pains. I thought to myself over and over: “there must to be something to this!” It turns out that there was. Because my quality of movement wasn’t great and my body was imbalanced, it ultimately led to several overuse injuries and compromised movement.

This is something so many of us experience in society today. Most of our daily tasks pull us forward and ask a lot of certain muscles while not asking much (or enough!) of others. Over time, this pattern has an effect on the way we sit, stand and move.

Throughout my career as a massage therapist I have always been drawn to more clinical, therapeutic modalities. I have training in sports massage, trigger point therapy and myofascial release. Although these trainings have been very effective and helpful for my clients, I still felt there needed to be a more wholistic approach.

With sessions that include both massage therapy and corrective exercise, I offer treatments for my clients that include not only relief in the moment but also the knowledge, instruction, and tools they’ll need to manage their care and well being in their everyday lives.

I have experience working with all ages and body types, from those living active lifestyles to those looking to feel better accomplishing everyday tasks. I encourage you to please reach out directly if you’re curious about Align or have any questions about how these sessions could be of benefit to your mobility and quality of life.

I look forward to working with you!

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